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Clinical Supervision
with Marissa

In my tenure at Duke, I created a Social Work training program for graduate students and Licensed Clinical Social Work Associates.  Having supervized more than a dozen training level providers, I can say with confidence that supervision is my favorite work to do.  I have my Clinical Supervision Certification through the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) and have competence in supervising in adult, outpatient therapy utilizing ACT, CBT, DBT, and CPT. 

Here is what some past supervisees have to say:

"Marissa was my clinical supervisor and mentor during my second year MSW field internship. Working with Marissa was the most valuable part of my graduate school experience. Her knowledge of integrative theories, experience in practice, and devotion to her supervisee’s growth contributed to a learning environment where I felt appropriately challenged, and comfortable speaking with her about the different complexities that arise in our line of work and in the therapy room. My clinical skills and self-awareness grew exponentially under her guidance. The insight, questions, reflections, and skills she modeled during supervision continue to influence my practice each day. If you are seeking a supervisor who is exceptionally knowledgable, experienced, and dedicated to your development as a therapist, I highly recommend that you take the opportunity to work with Marissa."

"Marissa is a phenomenal supervisor; she strikes the perfect balance of providing helpful information and advice, as well as validation and support.  I felt comfortable coming to her with any clinical concerns and I learned so much from her clinical expertise.  Her sense of humor and down-to-earth personality also make working with her enjoyable and fun.  "

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